It may be the case that some sites impacted by Google’s Penguin update may not be as impacted as the next. Meaning, Google’s algorithms may apply a different degree of the Penguin update (which may feel like a penalty) to one site over another.
Matt Cutts, Google’s head of search spam, posted on Twitter a message that implies that Google’s Penguin algorithm comes in different levels of degrees. His tweet was related to someone who was impacted by the algorithm and Matt Cutts responded to him saying “you still have a very mild case of Penguin.”
Here is Matt’s tweet:
Matt Cutts, Google’s head of search spam, posted on Twitter a message that implies that Google’s Penguin algorithm comes in different levels of degrees. His tweet was related to someone who was impacted by the algorithm and Matt Cutts responded to him saying “you still have a very mild case of Penguin.”
Here is Matt’s tweet:
Now, it is hard to say if Matt Cutts is implying that some of the site’s rankings have recovered as the site has improved their linking profile. But by Matt saying this site has a “very mild case of Penguin” it does somewhat imply that there are different levels of cases of being impacted by this algorithm.
So maybe not all cases of Penguin are the same? Maybe not all sites impacted by Penguin suffer the same outcome? Maybe there are levels of degrees with the Penguin algorithm.
Or maybe not, maybe Matt Cutts is just saying in short that he still has unnatural links and has some work to do to get out of the Penguin algorithm?

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