Yesterday I reported how there was some weekend chatter about Google fluctuations.
Well that has really started to pick up as of last night. Many more webmasters are noticing lots of changes, some saying reversals, to whatever was happening most recently with Google's search results listing.
Here is what some folks are saying at WebmasterWorld:
I am seeing some major shifting going on
I am seeing HUGE shifts across all verticals. Never seen anything like this before... I do hope G is broken.
I am now seeing that whatever happened has reverted
Maybe it was just a hiccup but maybe something bigger?
Design by Vikas Kumar Raghav | Seo Company India - Seo Agency India -Seo Blogs- Seo Training Institute
Well that has really started to pick up as of last night. Many more webmasters are noticing lots of changes, some saying reversals, to whatever was happening most recently with Google's search results listing.
Here is what some folks are saying at WebmasterWorld:
I am seeing some major shifting going on
I am seeing HUGE shifts across all verticals. Never seen anything like this before... I do hope G is broken.
I am now seeing that whatever happened has reverted
Maybe it was just a hiccup but maybe something bigger?
Design by Vikas Kumar Raghav | Seo Company India - Seo Agency India -Seo Blogs- Seo Training Institute
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